Freedom Through Passive Income
Freedom Through Passive Income
Ep 364 - Week 52 Recap & Key Takeaways
Flip & Dani review week 52 videos and give you their top takeaways for each episode. Whether you missed an episode this week or just want to hear our top takeaways, you’ll love these weekly recaps!
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This is our week in review with Key Takeaways from each day.
Ep 358 - How To Succeed at Anything In Life
Surrounding yourself with a strong team that shares these characteristics, is aligned with your core values and is committed is critical.
Ep 359 - Merry Christmas!
This is our favorite time of the year not only because we are spending it with family but also because we think about all those causes and organizations that we can support in the coming year. Merry Christmas!
Ep 360 - Motivational Monday - Who Will You Be One Year From Today?
If you have been listening to us over the past year, you know how our business priorities have shifted from building businesses to generating passive income so we all can live the lifestyle we choose.
Ep 361 - 2022 - The Good Times
We closed on three acquisitions: a 129 unit, 48 unit and a 16 unit. We also closed on two dispositions: a 384 unit property which made FCI profitable in its first year of existence, the 8-unit Grimes property and we refinanced the Pine Ridge property.
Ep 362 - 2022, The Tough Times
After so many years of driving our companies, we found that we wanted to be backseat drivers in the car that Aaron was driving and this was a growing experience for us to understand that to grow.
Ep 363 - Week 52 Live Progress Update
We have our last deal of 2022, pending closing, we are still waiting to hear that news as we record this episode. And then distributions, we want to celebrate every single time we get to send those checks out.
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Hey everybody! Flip and Dani here, founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group Family of Companies and welcome to another episode of our podcast which is called Freedom Through Passive Income. That's right and welcome to the last Live! Live! Live! episode. This is week 52! Five, two, which stands for last one. This is our recap and key takeaways but of course it's Friday. So that means it's Fun Shirt Friday, got a new one on today. Yes. And if you're listening and not watching. It's glorious. It's all you need to know. It is, this is the first time I'm seeing it too. It looks like it's kind of a pinkish color with palm trees and a hammock. Yeah. I don't know what that is. Looks like inner tubes. Yeah, inner tubes, giant surfboards. Haha! It is pretty cool. Love it. So awesome. Yes, but today is the final recap and key takeaways. So let's brawl. Let's do it.
Alright, so episode 358 - "How To Succeed at Anything In Life". So the first key takeaway is, the most successful people in life share some surprising common characteristics. They love the people around them and those whom they serve. They take a long term view and make decisions with the vision of doing good things in the long run. Another key takeaway is success is not always about money. I talked about my nephew who was a drummer in a band, actually a few bands, and he has played for years and is now working with children. It has been wonderful to see that and helping develop the children, he has found his calling. And the pride he shares is not for the money and fame that seems to have proliferated our world, and it's for how he can help others. When we help others we get everything they want in life. When we help others get everything they want in life, we can get everything we want. There's that quote. Another key takeaway is, commitment to the pursuit of excellence is the final characteristic we would like to talk about. Surrounding yourself with a strong team that shares these characteristics is critical. And you are committed to improving as a person, investor and business person, so much your team. Gathering a great team helps everyone rise and reach their goals faster and in a more fun and fulfilling way.
I love it. And episode 359 - "Merry Christmas!". Key takeaway number one, we recorded our Christmas episode early while Flip was in Texas with his family and Dani, me, I was in Arizona. We love spending the holidays with our respective families because this is why we work so hard and what life is all about. Key takeaway number two, we are so blessed that we can help our families, we see the culmination of all of our years of work and are now in the position to give back to them. And this is our favorite time of the year not only because we are spending it with family, but also because we think about all those causes and organizations that we can support in the coming year. Merry Christmas!
All right, Episode 360 with a Motivational Monday, the last Motivational Monday. Yeah. "Who Will You Be One Year From Today?". So the first key takeaway is Thank you, Ben, who encouraged us to do our Motivational Monday podcast. At the end of the year, we all look back on what has happened. But we should begin looking forward to the new year. Where will we be at the end of 2023? So many of us underestimate what we can do in a year. And we need to recognize that every single day and every single choice ultimately will change who you are in just 365 short days. Yes. Another key takeaway is, we are happy that you have joined us in our 2022 journey toward a passive income lifestyle. If you've been listening to us over the past year, you know how our business priorities have shifted from building businesses to generating passive income. So we all can live the lifestyle we choose. We have spent quite some time discussing how incremental choices add up over time. And you have made that choice to walk alongside us by listening to one episode at a time. And now we hope that you look forward to seeing or hearing us as a part of your 2023 routine. We hope that we help you discover your freedom number and it's still not too late. If you do not know what that is. Please reach out to our team and we can listen to your goals and help you plan so you can reach your financial freedom goals.
That's right and episode 361 - "2022 - The Good Times". Key takeaway number one, after years of building our Family of Companies, we hired our CEO Aaron in 2022. Aaron helped to expand upon our culture that has become the foundation of who we are and help to lay a path for future growth. Aaron also empowered our team and fostered the cross communication that helped our staff grow and be more transparent between entities. I'm just going to correct one thing from that, we actually hired him in 2021. But I saw it, I was like in 2022. And as I'm reading going, No, we hired him in 2021. But it was the end of 2021. So it is close. Thank you, Joe. You're amazing for writing this for us. Key takeaway number two, we closed on three acquisitions in 2022, a 129 unit, 48 unit and 16 unit, we have one final 48 unit deal pending closing that will make it four closings for our first full year in business. We had three dispositions in 2022. We sold a 384 unit, an 8 unit and we refinanced Pine Ridge. Also, we started a seventh company, moved to Florida, and we are most and we are most thankful because we are still here to share all of this growth with each of you.
You got the good times, I get episode 362 - "2022 - The Tough Times". So key takeaways is, yesterday, we shared our 2022 good times with you. We also had some difficult situations that we want to share with you because we are all human, and make mistakes. And life is not perfect for any of us. But we persevere and strive to make our lives and the lives of those most important to us better. Another key takeaway is, one of the most difficult situations for Dani was bootstrapping FCI, our sixth company and then losing her executive assistant at the end of 2021. She spent a long time training him and when he left she was drowning, it was impossible for her to manage all the companies and accomplish the annual goals that we had created. But another member of our team, Jody began to take on some of the loss responsibilities and realize she was a star and something great came out of something awful. Another key takeaway is, the final tough thing we want to share about 2022 was how hard it was to let go of the company after hiring a CEO. After building our companies, it was difficult to watch someone else guide them through a challenging year. And we are grateful for the dedication of Aaron and all of our team members. After so many years of driving our companies, we found that we wanted to be backseat drivers in a car that Aaron was driving. And this was a growing experience for us to understand that to grow. We sometimes have to slow down and merge instead of stepping on the gas. You heard that? I heard it all right. Do I need to read that one more time? We're thankful for the opportunity to learn this lesson of patience and plan to carry it into 2023. Let's see how that goes. Hahaha!
Episode 363. Which was yesterday. Our week 52 live progress update, was our very last live progress update of the year. And our two key takeaways is we have our last deal of 2022, pending closing, we are still waiting to hear that news as we record this episode. So super excited for that to happen. And then the second key takeaway is distributions. Right, Flippy Clause! Yeah, I made the comment, this was after one of the quarterly payments went out and I told Dani, I said I feel like Santa Claus because you get some money and you get some money. But that's not really Santa Claus. That's more Oprah. But I don't want to say that I feel like Oprah, I want to say I feel like Santa Claus. I love it. It's always exciting for us to be able to send those checks because it's the realization of this Freedom Through Passive Income, goal and journey coming to fruition. So I think it's really really exceptional. When we have those moments and I want to celebrate every single time we get to send those checks out. Me too! Love it. That's it, Flip. This is our very last recap & key takeaways. Woohoo!
Well, we hope you enjoyed the last recap and key takeaways, make sure you head over to our website, www.FreedomCapitalInvestments to join the investor club. Obviously you can hear what we're doing these last couple days of 2022 but we already have stuff going on 2023. So make sure you get over there and join that investor club.
But we like to end all of our episodes with Invest Smart, Live Happy. Bye everybody!
Nothing on this show should be considered specific, personal or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax, legal, real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions and information on this show are not guaranteed, all investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai