Freedom Through Passive Income
Freedom Through Passive Income
Ep 357 - Week 51 Recap & Key Takeaways
Flip & Dani review week 51 videos and give you their top takeaways for each episode. Whether you missed an episode this week or just want to hear our top takeaways, you’ll love these weekly recaps!
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This is our week in review with Key Takeaways from each day.
Ep 351 - The Investing Vehicle You Choose Isn't as Important as This
Continuously evaluating our team has helped us build our business and expand. It has helped us find new deals and turn marginal investment into great ones!
Ep 352 - Real Estate Fraud Rears Its Ugly Head
There will always be people who look to take advantage of the less savvy investors or those in vulnerable positions.
Ep 353 - Motivational Monday - Old Status Symbols
In the past, people showed their wealth by flaunting things. But, in today’s world, the ultimate show of wealth is the flex of freedom.
Ep 354 - Recessions are the Best Time to Grow a Business
In today’s uncertain economic climate, we see many people who allow their emotions to control their investing. The fear causes them to retreat and cash out investment. But, we see this as a positive for the savvy investor because to us, it means fewer competitors are in the marketplace.
Ep 355 - 100% Ownership Passive Investor Ads - Beware!
It can be overwhelming and frightening to be a single real estate investor. You have 100% of the financial risk and have to understand the investment and 100% of the risk is yours.
Ep 356 - Week 51 Live Progress Update
Flip is in Arizona! Yesterday was his flight over here. We're so grateful that we're together again. And we have our final deal of the year.
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Hey everybody! Flip and Dani here, founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group Family of Companies and welcome to another episode of our podcast which is called Freedom Through Passive Income. That's right and Ho Ho Ho! Welcome to another Live episode, we are on location still today. We had to record this early because I'm flying all day today. Your arms are tired. Ohh boy, are my arms tired. So yeah, so I'm still in Austin. For those of you watching, you can see the Austin thing behind me. But for those of you listening, you have no idea what I'm pointing. And of course today, if you're watching, you obviously see what I'm wearing. It's one of my most festive, fun shirt Fridays. And if you're only listening, just imagine, what's that guy that comes around on the 25th? Santa Clause! So anyway, so I'm sorry, you're not getting a chance to see this. But make sure you head on over to Dani's Facebook because you'll see the Fun Shirt Friday picture there and you'll see the whole goodness. I love it. But welcome, this is week 51, 51 recap and key takeaways. So Dani, are you ready? Yes, I am ready. All right, let's roll. All right.
So ep 351 - "The Investing Vehicle You Choose Isn't as Important as This". So key takeaway is creating and nurturing a great team is important, but it is also critical to understand when we have made a poor hire. Potential staff always shine during the interview process. But once on board, some will flourish and others will flounder. Continuously evaluating our team has helped us build our business and expand. It has helped us find new deals and turn marginal investment into great ones. Another takeaway is the investment we make in our team drives our success. However, we understand that not every hire is a great cultural or organizational fit. Although we never want to abandon our human capital. We are confident that through transparent processes we can identify, encourage, and foster the talent that drives our businesses and evaluate and move on from those who may be unable to execute our vision for the present and the future. On to you Dani.
All right. Ep 352 - "Real Estate Fraud Rears Its Ugly Head". Key takeaway number one. In this episode, we talked about the importance of having a great team around us when we make investment decisions. We read an article about a Twin Cities house flipper who faces nearly five years in prison for an investor fraud scheme. We must be wary of shady deals and charlatans who promise too good to be true returns. There will always be people who look to take advantage of the less savvy investors or those in vulnerable positions. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about a potential investment even if it's not with us. We're happy to answer your questions. Key takeaway number two, Warren Buffett said only when the tide goes out, do you discover who's been swimming naked. I love that quote. To us, that should mean that when economies or markets change the real investors will be revealed. Yes, the real investors will be revealed because they know how to navigate a downturn or different market cycle. During these times the fraudulent investors of the world will be discovered. This is why we are launching a course in 2023 where part of the curriculum will educate you on how to avoid not only poor investment choices, but for investors. We want everyone to understand their investment options and how to choose the right team to partner with whether you want to be a private lender, turnkey investor or become part of a syndication deal.
All right. Ep 353 - "Motivational Monday - Old Status Symbols". First key takeaway is in the past, people showed their wealth by flaunting things. Who had the flashiest car, who had the biggest home or the shiniest jewelry was the self identifier of success. But in today's world, the ultimate show of wealth is the flex of freedom. Another key takeaway is when we purchased our Florida home, we realized that we had achieved geographical freedom, which I didn't even know existed, and that we had sacrificed earlier in life and spent time investing in building our company so that we could work remotely and move where we had always wanted. We set a target, took steps to achieve that goal and passed on all the carrots life dangled at us that would impede our progress. We created our Freedom Family of Companies to share our experiences and guide you through the financial course of your life so that you too can reach the goal of living the life you choose. That's right.
Ep 354 - "Recessions are the Best Time to Grow a Business". Key takeaway number one, Warren Buffett once said be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. This statement is somewhat of a contrarian view on stock markets and relates directly to the price of an asset. When others are greedy, prices typically boil over and one should be cautious less they overpay for an asset this subsequently leads to poor returns. When others are fearful and may present a good value investment opportunity and today's uncertain economic climate we see many people who allow their emotions to control their investing. Fear causes them to retreat and cash out their investment. But we see this as a positive for the savvy investor because to us, it means fewer competitors are in the marketplace. Key takeaway number two for the prepared investor, now may be the time to strike. In one of our previous podcasts we shared with you how important it was to surround ourselves with people like us who know how to navigate down markets like this and know how to make better and more creative offers. Now is not the time to sit on the sidelines when the biggest wealth transfers are typically during uncertain times, like we are experiencing today. Yay!
All right, Ep 355 - "100% Ownership Passive Investor Ads - Beware!". So first key takeaway is, it is difficult to take the leap and commit to an investment. There are companies that may advertise in a way that promotes 100% ownership of a property, but they don't tell you is that there is a $500,000 minimum investment or that they are simply wholesaling your property and then after taking their commission leave you on your own in an unfamiliar space. And when you need assistance with management or renovations, that same company now has zero risk and is happy to help you for a fee. Another takeaway is, it can be overwhelming and frightening to be a single real estate investor, you have 100% of the financial risk and have to understand the investment and absorb 100% of any renovations and other costs. The 100% of the risk is yours. This is why you should consider partnering with us when you invest, our investment vehicles and multiple partners to spread that risk. Our team is there to support you and answer your questions every day. We have a variety of investments available with lower minimums that are attractive if you're a beginning investor, you can rely on your knowledge or you can rely on our knowledge, expertise, experience and boots on the ground to address marketing, accounting, renovations and oversight of your investment from start to finish. That's right. All right.
And Week 51 Live Update was yesterday, Episode 356. Now this is a little bit kind of an odd one again, because we're having to record this episode early. So my first key takeaway was that Flip's in Arizona! Hahaha. Yesterday was his flight over here. And, man, I'm just so so so grateful that we're together again. And so I wanted to make sure that was one of the key takeaways. But I'm still here. I know because we're recording early. By this time this launches though, we'll be together, that's why it's the key takeaway. Yeah, and the second key takeaway is our deal. It is the final deal for this month, but in typical multifamily fashion, just a little bit. Just hold on just a little bit more. Just a little bit. And you said final the deal of the month, but it's the actual final deal of the year. Yeah, I meant to say the final deal of the year. Yeah. So super excited about that. But yeah, so this is fun. Now there's only one more week of this Flip. Woohoo! Is this the last Fun Shirt Friday? No, we have one more. One more. We have one more. Phew! Yeah. I have to see if I have another fun shirt available. I have faith in you. I better go buy one.
We hope you enjoyed this episode, make sure you head on over to our website www.FreedomCapitalInvestments.com to join the investor club. Again, we're only got a little bit left to this year. But we still have a lot going on. Make sure you're reaching out to Ben and or CJ to find out what's going on. But 2023 is right around the corner and we already have stuff going on for 2023. So make sure you get in that club.
But we'd like to end all of our episodes with Invest Smart, Live Happy. Bye everybody!
Nothing on this show should be considered specific, personal or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax, legal, real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions and information on this show are not guaranteed, all investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai