Freedom Through Passive Income
Freedom Through Passive Income
Ep 354 - Recessions are the Best Time to Grow a Business
So there's some mindset things that happen when you're fearful and a lot of people retract. That's why Warren Buffett's quote is so popular. Because when you see that happening, there's more opportunity for those that know and understand how to invest and when to invest. In this episode we will guide you on how to navigate the ups and downs of the market.
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If you're an active or passive investor, the reason we did this podcast is to encourage you to surround yourself with people like ourselves, who know how to navigate down markets like this, know how to make better offers, more creative offers. As we saw this market turning, we started talking about the things that we shift in our business strategy to align ourselves with buying better, and being more conservative. So surround yourself with those types of people and put your trust in the teams that know how to navigate the ups and downs of all these markets. Because there's always an opportunity in every market, you just have to shift your strategy sometimes. You have to shift how you're buying or what you're buying. And maybe you have to shift your exit, even if we are intending to sell them, very likely, we are now intending to hold them. And we have the ability to hold them, right? And so because we want to wait until prime opportunities to sell, right? We don't want to sell in a down market, that doesn't make sense at all. So just understand the world that you're in and surround yourself with people who know how to navigate that world, don't get so fearful that you sit on the sidelines, stuff your money in bank accounts or in your mattress and lose 7 to 9% on your money because of inflation, that makes zero sense. At the very least put it into some type of liquidity investment vehicle where you're earning a little bit.
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Hey everybody! Flip and Dani here, founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group Family of Companies. And welcome to another episode of our podcast, which is called Freedom Through Passive Income. Welcome to another episode and this one is called "Recessions are the Best Time to Grow a Business".
I figured this title would grab some people, right? So I'm kind of excited to talk about this a little bit. This goes back to the Warren Buffett quote, when people are greedy, and when people are fearful, what is the quote? Be fearful when people are greedy to you. Yeah, go ahead, you could say it. Keep going. Be fearful when people are greedy, greedy when people are fearful. There you go.
So, I love that quote. And it's perfect and timely for this particular podcast episode. Because all the things that have been happening in the economy with rising interest rates, inflation, looming recession, these are things that have been causing people to get fearful, right? They're pulling money out of investments that they honestly should be keeping their money in. Not all of them. But for the most part, some of them, they really should be keeping them, keeping the money in there. And even buying, because right, as stocks go down, certain stocks, you want to buy low, sell high, right? So there's some, there's some mindset things that happen when you're fearful. And a lot of people retract. And that's why Warren Buffett's quote is so popular. Because when you see that happening, there's more opportunity for those that are, they know, and understand how to invest and when to invest. And they don't allow their emotions to control their investing.
And emotions is a topic we talk about a lot, especially over the last probably three months, we've done two or three podcasts, talking about emotional investing. So I think this is really, really powerful that when you're in times like this, now's the time to really dig deep, right? And the things that we're doing is number one, we're buying better, right? We're buying with more cushion, because we don't know how the economy is going to shift and change. We know it's going to shift and change. And that's all we know, how it happens? We are not sure. So we're relying heavily on cash positions. We're relying heavily on conservative underwriting so that we buy better and pick the juiciest deals. And we continue to watch the market and see what happens and the more fearful that others are getting, they're pulling out, right? Other investors are pulling out, other passive investors are sometimes being like, I'm not sure what to do, and a lot of ours fortunately, listen to us. And we're like, this is not the time to pull out. This is the time to take advantage. This is the time where we can do more, because everybody else is pulling out and there's less competition. So it's really, really exciting to be in a time like this. And to know that you've got the wisdom and the people surrounding you to navigate a market like this very well. So pouring onto our marketing is one of the things that we're doing, we are spending more money on marketing than we ever have before, because we are ready for the opportunities that are at our fingertips that other people are not snatching because of their fear. Yup.
Yeah, you know, it's funny, and I've said this on numerous occasions, so I apologize for repeating myself. But in 2008, when the sh*t was literally hitting the fan, we happened to be doing an auction on condos in Austin, Texas. And the people that we were doing it with, one of them is the one that I hold in the highest regards, this man is one of the smartest, if not the smartest person that I personally know. And every time he would, every time he opens his mouth, I stop talking because I want to hear what he's about to say because it's, whether it's funny or smart, it's gonna be one of those two things. And so we were, you know, getting this is starting to happen. And I was like, Oh my gosh, this is crazy. This is horrible. And he's like, No, this is the best time. And then that's when I first heard that Warren Buffett quote and I was just, I don't get it. You know, everybody's fleeing. He goes, less competition. That's right. You know, he was, but everybody's doing all this. He goes, more opportunities, you know, everything that I can think of that was bad. He had a positive for it. And I was just like, man this guy is so smart. Yeah. Yes. 100% So true. So true.
And that was the aha moment that I. And we've been like that ever since. Yeah, yeah. So if you're an active or passive investor, the reason we did this podcast is to encourage you to surround yourself with people like ourselves, who know how to navigate down markets like this, know how to make better offers, more creative offers. That's another podcast that we did. As we saw this market turning, we started talking about the things that we shift in our business strategy to align ourselves with buying better, and being more conservative. So surround yourself with those types of people and put your trust in the teams that know how to navigate the ups and downs of all these markets. Because there's always opportunity in every market, you just have to shift your strategy sometimes, right? You have to shift how you're buying or what you're buying. And maybe you have to shift your exit, I know a lot of the things that we have right now, even if we are intending to sell them, very likely, we are now intending to hold them. And we have the ability to hold them, right? And so because we want to wait until prime opportunities to sell, right? We don't want to sell in a down market, that doesn't make sense at all.
So just understand the world that you're in and surround yourself with people who know how to navigate that world, don't get so fearful that you sit on the sidelines, stuff your money in bank accounts or in your mattress and lose 7 to 9% on your money because of inflation, that makes zero sense, zero, zero, zero. At the very least put it into some type of liquidity investment vehicle where you're earning a little bit. So if you're earning 2%, and inflation is up to 7%. Now you're netting, what five? A 5% loss, you're not losing a full seven, you're only losing 5%. Because at least you're earning 2%. So depending on where the markets at and what that looks like, just the smallest amount of interest that keeps your money liquid will help you not lose as much money. But always be mindful of, you know, continuing to surround yourself with people who study the market, study their craft, know how to navigate things. And, you know, make you feel comfortable so that you aren't sitting on the sidelines, losing out when the biggest wealth transfers are typically during times like this. It's typically for the people that know how to navigate this type of thing that get the windfalls. Right? Because they were ready and primed for opportunity when the opportunity came. Yup, exactly. I love it. Well, is that it? That's it. That's all I have. Yup. Yeah, that's all she wrote.
We hope you enjoyed this episode, make sure you head on over to our website, www.FreedomCapitalInvestments.com to join the investor club. Make sure you're reaching out to Ben and or CJ to find out all the stuff that we've got going on this year as well as already next year.
Make sure you're checking us out on social medias and all that fun stuff.
But we like to end all of our podcasts with Invest Smart, Live Happy. Bye everybody!
Nothing on this show should be considered specific, personal or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax, legal, real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions and information on this show are not guaranteed, all investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai