Freedom Through Passive Income
Freedom Through Passive Income
Ep 350 - Week 50 Recap & Key Takeaways
Flip & Dani review week 50 videos and give you their top takeaways for each episode. Whether you missed an episode this week or just want to hear our top takeaways, you’ll love these weekly recaps!
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This is our week in review with Key Takeaways from each day.
Ep 344 - Our Succession Plan
As we have built our company, we have worked diligently to train-up our team and surround ourselves with a strong cast of responsible and dedicated people who can help us grow the businesses and carry on should something catastrophic occur to us.
Ep 345 - Money vs Time & Regrets
As we chase our professional and financial goals, we need to support those who support us and create the environment that allows us to both strive and thrive.
Ep 346 - Motivational Monday - Future Revenge
One way we can flip a negative into a positive motivator is to take all the negative comments directed toward us, all the naysayers' remarks and use it as the fuel for our perseverance.
Ep 347 - The Harm of Liquid Investments
Studies have shown that investing in illiquid vehicles that are of a stable and lower risk class provides very high returns.
Ep 348 - How News Can Wreck your Retirement
During turbulent times, investors are uncertain and even fearful about placing their money. To help educate our less experienced investors, our team is reaching out to our more seasoned investors for guidance and advice that we can share with our newer clients.
Ep 349 - Week 50 Live Progress Update
Dani’s mom has been improving a lot. End of year planning, meeting with the one on one leaders, making sure we're setting all of our targets for 2023.
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Hey everybody! Flip and Dani here, founders in the Freedom Real Estate Group Family of Companies and welcome to another episode of our podcast which is called Freedom Through Passive Income. That's right and welcome to another Live! Live! Live! episode. You know, it's funny as I always did the live, live but all of our episodes are live. We don't ever edit, do we press record and then we stop. They're all live, but I have to the Live! Live!
This is week 50 Recap & Key Takeaways, week five, zero. Five, zero! Yeah, absolutely amazing. I can't believe we're this far. And of course it's Friday. So you got Fun Shirt Friday. You have Santa on a surfboard, Santa can't see doing something and this is Santa's week off before. He's getting really busy next week. Haha! Taking some time off this week on the beach. While the elves do all the work. He's just kicking it up. That's right.
So yeah, week 50 recap of key takeaways. You ready? Yes, I'm ready. All right, Episode 344. My limit is 365, just letting you know. All right, Ep 344 - "Our Succession Plan", easy for me to say. First key takeaway is that no one wants to plan for their own demise. But how we approach the transition of accumulated wealth and responsibility is necessary. We should not let it overcome us nor allow it to become a shadow that holds sway over what we have achieved. Nevertheless, asking to whom we should bequeath for our personal and professional assets is an important question.
And thank you, Joe. Those are two words I've never thought I'd say in a sentence, bequeath and sway. Hahaha!
Another key takeaway, as we have built our company, we have worked diligently to train up our team and surround ourselves with a strong cast of responsible and dedicated people who can help us grow the businesses and carry on when something catastrophic occurs to us. Assembling the Freedom Family of Companies with this incredible group has been part of our planning, and our team is capable of carrying on to serve our customers and investors into the far future.
All right, Ep 345 - "Money vs Time & Regrets". Key takeaway number one, although it may seem to some that we are chasing money that is the furthest from the truth. What we are doing through our years of hard work is chasing what money provides when Dani's mom, when my mom had an episode on Thanksgiving, the fruit of our labor allowed us to be here for her. But we also began thinking about the importance of work life balance, spending quality time with family and crystallizing the importance of the joy of living. Key takeaway number two, when the news of my mom going to the hospital reached us, we did not hesitate to fly across the country expending resources not only to travel, but to ensure that she was being administered proper care, we came to realize that there is no replay of our lives. And it is not our lifespans that are most important, but the moments that span our lives that give us meaning. That's very profound Joe. As we chase our professional and financial goals, we need to support those who support us and create the environment that allows us both to strive and thrive.
I'm starting to think that he's really making us sound really cool in these recaps. Hahaha. But what I love is like he puts it in his own voice you know, and what he took away. So I for those of you listening I let you're actually hearing from Joe today even though we're talking about it, I love these. It's like this smart version of me.
Alright, so Ep 346 - "Motivational Monday - Future Revenge". So the first key takeaway is one way we can flip a negative into a positive motivator is to take all the negative comments directed towards us, all the naysayers remark and use it as fuel for our perseverance. We can also use negative comments from outside forces like social media to help keep us focused and renew our dedication and commitment level to our end goals. Sometimes when public comments are made regarding what we were doing, it creates a fear of missing out. However much of the time those other things will be there in the months and years to come. Another key takeaway is keeping a narrow focus can help you achieve your goal and eliminate distractions. For us building our Freedom Through Passive Income requires us to maintain a strategic focus for our team and investors. We understand that we need to execute our long term vision. We must be successful in the present to scale the business, bring on leadership and continue the vertical integration of our Freedom Family of Companies before we move on to the next thing.
Ep 347 - "The Harm of Liquid Investments". Key takeaway number one, today we're going to share some of the potential pitfalls of liquid investments when we invest in liquid assets like the new liquidity fund we are making available shortly. We have understood that although the funds are more available in case of an emergency, we must control our emotions that can lead to a constant cycle of placements and withdrawals that can negatively affect our retirement or other end goal. Studies have shown that investing in illiquid vehicles that are of a stable and lower risk class provides very high returns. However, people who are afraid of not having liquidity have investments that underperform those who choose to place and hold investments. Key takeaway number two, when investing it is critical that we apportion our total into different buckets or risk categories, when mixed considering investing is 40%, stable, 40%, mild and 20% higher risk investments. This allows us to take a reasonable risk reward or diversification strategy based on our level of comfort. Anxiety about the market is inevitable. And by understanding its various cycles, we can invest confidently, preserving and growing our wealth much better than if we allow our emotions to control our decisions. Love it.
All right. Ep 348 - "How News Can Wreck Your Retirement". First key takeaway is during turbulent times, investors are uncertain and even fearful about placing their money. To help educate our less experienced investors. Our team is reaching out to our more seasoned investors for guidance and advice that we can share with our newer clients. One thing that drives their fear and can paralyze us from making sound financial decisions is the news. In the past, the news was about sharing meaningful information. Whereas today, the news seems to be about sound bytes that elicit emotion and feed ratings. True. And then another key takeaway is the news can negatively impact our investments when the full story is not shared. If a CEO change occurs, it may be reported that the reason behind the change and the positive trajectory the company might take with a new chief executive is omitted, this can cause the price of a stock to rise or fall because we are not fully informed. This volatility can cause us to move our money in and out of investments and constantly try to catch up. Whereas we would have been better served had to be invested in real estate for the long haul. That's right.
And Ep 349 - "Week 50 Live Progress Update". That was yesterday's episode. Yeah, yeah, we didn't write any takeaways. So let's wing it, like we always do Flip. So my favorite takeaway from yesterday's episode? Um, I think I'm gonna lean towards the end of year planning how we're meeting with the one on one leaders, you know, or making sure we're setting all of our targets, you know, for 2023. And, yeah, I think that that's, and we're doing the course, that was really kind of funny. You know, that conversation yesterday about the course and me eliciting more help for more people. I think that's my key takeaway, because it's what's building the momentum right now, here in December going into 2023. And that's kind of the primary focus of all of our activities. So that's my key takeaway. What's yours? I think that is your mom's doing better. Ah, thanks Flippy! You're welcome. She is, I'm very very excited. Well, that does it for the recap of week fifty. Five zero, woooo!
Well, we hope you enjoyed this episode, make sure you head on over to our website, www.FreedomCapitalInvestments.com to join that investor club. We got a lot of stuff still going on. We only got two weeks left in this year, but we do have a lot of stuff going on and stuff going on already for 2023. So make sure you head on over there.
But we like to end all of our episodes with Invest Smart, Live Happy. Bye everybody!
Nothing on this show should be considered specific, personal or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax, legal, real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions and information on this show are not guaranteed, all investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.
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