Freedom Through Passive Income
Freedom Through Passive Income
Ep 342 - Week 49 Live Progress Update
Flip & Dani’s Weekly Live videos are intended to be timely recordings of what’s going on RIGHT NOW in their investing journey.
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In today’s episode, what's been happening this past week?
Dani flew to Arizona on Thursday. Dani’s mom was out of the hospital on Friday. She is now doing exercises and is getting stronger everyday. Physical therapy has started so we're hoping to get surgery scheduled soon.
Adjusting our schedules and trying to figure out how to sync our meetings.
Flip is in Florida having a great time with the doggies
Annual Team Retreat - They did a lot of team bonding activities with a lot of company bonding activities and company growth activities. So everybody had a lot of fun.
Deal updates - Our North Carolina deal is progressing well, final wires are coming in for closing, lenders doing their final underwriting, we hope to close that soon. It's scheduled to close towards the end of December, but we're hoping to close sooner and it always feels funny talking about this "secret deal" that we can't give you a ton of details. And we vaguely say anything about it at all but you guys will hear more about it, probably in the new year, we might do a podcast episode about 2022, and review and things like that.
Podcast updates for 2023 - We decided to go ahead and start a weekly podcast in 2023, we also decided that we are going to start bringing on guests. So this will be the very first time that we bring on guests to any podcasts that we've ever done.
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Hey everybody! Flip and Dani here, founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group Family of Companies, and welcome to another episode of our podcast, which is called Freedom Through Passive Income. That's right, and welcome to another episode. And this is one of our Live! Live! Live! episodes that's on locations. She's on location, and I'm on location. And we're going to discuss this here in a little bit. This is week 49. Yay!! Only a couple more of these left. I can't believe it.
But we'll get into for those of you watching, you can see that we're in two different locations. We're not sitting next to each other. For those of you not watching, just imagine us sitting in different rooms. But this is, so last Thursday, Dani actually flew to Arizona and boy are her arms tired. And anyway, I know that we talked about this last week, you know, about her mom who had went into the hospital on Thanksgiving. And so Dani flew over there last Thursday, and I'm gonna let her discuss more about what's been going on over there.
Yeah, so I flew on Thursday, and was able to take my mom out of the hospital on Friday. She had, had it up to here, probably above my head. We got her home. She started doing exercises, she's getting stronger every day. She is stubborn, slash determined. And I'm sure that's where I got it from. So she convinced my dad and I to take her to church on Sunday. And everybody that came up to see her was like, I can't believe you're here. And me and dad are like, I know, we can't believe it either. Um, but she made it, she did really great. Obviously, she was tired when she got home. But everything that she does like this is getting her stronger and stronger. So that's great. Physical therapy has started so we're hoping to get surgery scheduled soon. That is so awesome.
So yeah, the second part of that is you and I, right? Adjusting our schedules and trying to figure out how to, like I'm trying to stay on EST timezone, right? So I've got the mornings, so I wake up at three o'clock this time to try and get ready and then have some quiet time to do some projects and record you know, podcast episodes like we're doing now and then be at my mom's house by 10, Arizona time. And then I stay there until the evening and then come back and then call you and our schedules have been crazy. And I know you've had your own challenges there at home.
Yeah, you know, when we talked about you flying home, I was like, I got this. You know, I'll take care of the dogs. I got this. I've been doing this. No problem. And it has just been, we've been through, well, Rosie is gone, because Rosie moved over to a trainer for two weeks. She comes back next week. But she is not here this week. And so I got me and the two boy dogs and we're all just kind of fish out of the water, just kind of staring at each other going, uh-oh, what do you want to do? Oh, no. What do you want to do? Why don't we just lay around and watch TV. So it's been weird. And both of the dogs have been well, definitely the Golden Retrievers just kind of walk around and going, what just happened? Where did everybody go? Dad kicked out the women of the house. Hahaha! It's definitely been an adjustment right over here. Yeah.
But back in Ohio, though, one of the things we started a few years ago is we started the annual company retreat. And when we started it, it wasn't an annual company retreat, it was actually just a retreat. And now it's become annual and we're super excited about that. It's been, it's a lot of fun in the middle of nowhere in Ohio. And it's also super cold there because it's December. But then we did a lot of team bonding activities with a lot of just company bonding activities, you know, company growth activities. So it was and everybody had a lot of fun. A lot of people you know, let their hair down, or whatever, you know, because we were sleeping in these houses in the middle of the woods. So it was a lot of fun. And they're doing that right now while we're, well, while she's in Arizona, I'm in Florida. So we're having our own little retreat down here by ourselves. That's right, and a couple of our key members did fly down and they're going to have an award ceremony today that you and I are going to attend virtually that'd be fun to check out.
And then when it comes down to deals, our North Carolina deal is progressing well, final wires are coming in for closing. Lenders doing their final underwriting when we hope to close that soon. It's scheduled to close towards the end of December, but we're hoping to close sooner and it always feels funny talking about this "secret deal" that we can't give you a ton of details. And we very vaguely say anything about it at all. But you guys will hear more about it. Probably in the new year, we might do a podcast episode about 2022, and review and things like that. So that's super exciting.
And then Flip and I sat down and really talked about 2023 podcast planning, so we could figure it out, especially because of our distance. Now with him in Florida and me here, everything seems a little bit harder to get done. And so we're like, we better toggle this or suddenly, it's gonna be 2023, we're gonna be like, what are we doing? So we decided to go ahead and start a weekly podcast in 2023, we also just decided that we are going to start bringing on guests. So this will be the very first time that we bring on guests to any podcasts that we've ever done. We have another podcast that is for the other five companies. It's called REIal talk, which is real talk for real estate investors. And it's spelled kind of funky, with the R-E-I for real estate investors. And then the small a-l, is our just fun way to say, hey, Flip and I are very, you know, transparent. And you know, we just say it like it is, you won't get a lot of fluff with us. You know, we're fine with talking about our successes, fine with talking about our failures, fine with talking about pretty much anything at all, because this is real life, right? And I think the more authentic you are about the struggles that everybody experiences in business, the more trust that can be built, because you're not trying to hide anything. So that's what that podcast is about. And a lot of our team members help host that podcast. This was our second podcast that we launched, and neither of them ever had guests. So it's gonna be really fun to bring on guests to talk about their journey of Freedom Through Passive Income. And we're excited to hear other people's stories and be able to share them with you guys.
And let the record show that I was fine with doing two podcasts a day. Hahaha! Then I hear, you have to limit me down to just one a week, I'm fine with that, too. It has been a daunting task to do one a day and with everything we're launching in 2023, I don't know that we could successfully keep it up without being a little grumpy. And it's funny, you say a little bit but yeah, I'm a big grumpy, it's okay. Especially when it gets hard. Like it's been so easy to run upstairs to our little podcast thing and go whip out some podcasts and now we're like, Okay, we got to record. Is this working? And you know, we'll just be transparent. Just say we've already recorded two episodes, and we had to re-record because it didn't work. So it always gets, yeah, a little more frustrating when you're having to learn new ways to do things but we're in the final stretch Flippy. Woohoo!
Well, we hope you enjoyed this episode, make sure you head on over to our website, www.FreedomCapitalInvestments.com to join the investor club, make sure you're talking to Ben and or CJ because we got a lot of stuff going on the end of this year, as well as stuff going around on already the beginning of next year. So make sure you get into that investor club.
But we like to end all our episodes with Invest Smart, Live Happy. Bye everybody!
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Transcribed by https://otter.ai