Freedom Through Passive Income

Ep 167 - Week 24 Progress Update

Flip & Dani Robison Season 1 Episode 167

 Flip & Dani’s Weekly Live videos are intended to be timely recordings of what’s going on RIGHT NOW in their investing journey.

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 On today's episode, what’s been happening this week? 

1)  We have more than 10,000 downloads. I can’t believe it.
2)  We are launching our Freedom Apparel Store for Freedom Capital Investments where Flip designs the outfits.
3) We attended a mastermind in Nashville, Tennessee where we learned from great speakers and we’ll attend another one in Lake Tahoe. We also joined a self-storage conference.
4) The mastermind speakers like the CEO of Cardone Ventures and Michael Hyatt gave mindblowing speeches.
5) We shall start our podcast covering the 12 part series on Saturday.

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Invest Smart.  Live Happy.


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Hey everybody!  Flip and Dani here, founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group Family of Companies and welcome to another episode of our podcast and our podcast is called Freedom Through Passive Income. That's right, and welcome to another one of our Live episodes. This is week 24. We're almost halfway. Halfway is in two weeks. Oh, yeah, right. Yeah. We're close to halfway with veinticuatro. Is that how you say it for real? Veinticuatro.

 Okay, I looked it up. Oh, dang, I've been studying my Spanish in my spare time. So welcome to another live. This isn't one of our live updates, and we literally just got off the road. So if this seems a little long and tired, sleepy. And while Dani’s talking if I nod off, you’ll understand why. 

So I want to start with the first one. Can I tell the first one? Over 10,000 downloads. Yes, we broke 10,000. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. But what's funny, we're going to talk about where we were the last couple of days and there was talk about this one guy who has got a major podcast was talking to this other guy who has got this major podcast who actually has his own platform can put up. These guys are podcast kings. This guy is the mega of podcasts. He said I want to get this one guy on my podcast but they said they wouldn’t book at my podcast until I average a thousand downloads per episode. I was like, Huh how many do we have? We are not even close to that. Of course we. Good thing we don't want to get The Rock on one of our podcasts. It's funny.

But anyway, we are super excited about that and I know next week we will talk about where we are on YouTube and I think it will take over 4,000 as well or something. And I know, Pat sent us the email with the views. But I just forgot to check it before we came in here and recorded. Yeah, it was in a different state, literally a different state when I saw that email. Yeah.

All right. But yeah, this one is actually I'm going to kind of I'll say it, but I'm going to hand it over to you to talk about it. Because you've been teasing everybody about it for a little bit on different episodes. We're super, super excited to announce that we're opening up an apparel store for Freedom Capital Investments, and this podcast Freedom Through Passive Income. And Flip has been in charge of designing the shirts and the baseball caps. And because I wear baseball caps all the time. And jackets, I think that we have and I'll let you go, you can go and talk. Yeah, so there's some different shirts, and we wanted to try to think of things that, well, number one that we would wear. And so we've got some Freedom Through Passive Income T-shirts. We have some funny shirt that says Invest Smart, Live Happy. We also have something that you and I live by, which is perseverance. Yes. So there was a little bit of a little quote for us. And there was another t-shirt. And I think that was it for the T-shirts, wasn't it? I think so. Yeah, because there's different colors. And there's different versions. And what's cool about this, this shop is you can go in there and you can select, Oh, I like the white lettering. And so there's like a couple different shirts that have white lettering, and then there's a couple different shirts that have blue lettering. And so you get to select the shirt and get to select your shirt size, and shipping, whatever it's but it's not a straight, it's not a store, just letting you know, beforehand. So it's not like Amazon, you're not going to order it and get it tomorrow or later today. It's so it's a really cool store for and it's for companies like us that are small, that so when you order it, it's not like we have inventory. When you order it, they make it and then they ship it to you. So it takes about I think 10 to 12 days or whatever for them to ship it to you and then a few days to ship it to you.

And we just ordered a couple $100 worth of stuff right? We're like buy buy but now that's all created Buy, buy buy buy because we want to  that's why we created it. We wanted to wear this stuff.

And the jackets will have like embroidery. embroidery. This is Invest Smart, Live Happy then Freedom Capital Investments on the back and so they're cool shirts, there's screen printing shirts, and then there's a new embroidery and then the hats are embroidered. Invest Smart, Live Happy. So but no, we're super excited. And I'll be working today and tomorrow on getting it onto our website. So that way, you just go to our website And you'll, it'll say online store. And then you can just go on here and order whatever you'd like. And I think that's all

I was just going to say if you have ideas, lots of people have ideas for shirts that are fun so like if you have an idea about a shirt that we could create about passive income or whatever it is, we love that or if you say, oh, boy, what I'd really like is I'd like a coffee cup that said that or notebook that says that yeah, the thing about this is this we've only scraped the tip of the iceberg with this company that we're working with because they've got just a gazillion products and we can put whatever we want on any other products. And so they've got tote bags and umbrellas and shorts. I mean, I'm not going to put Invest Smart, Live Happy on my shorts, where would I put that? Right across the tushy. So ideas of things that you'd like to see in we're not going to say hey, you asked for this you have to buy it because we just put it on the store and if no one buys it, no one buys it, but it's something there for people to buy. Yes. So that's what's really cool. Yeah,

We're super excited about that. And the reason why we're so tired today is because we just got back from a mastermind in Nashville Tennessee. Somebody said hey, what, we should drive. There's only like five hours. Yeah. But it's five hours of Flip having to pay attention to the road and I ended up working. I think I tried to sleep and just never ever you weren't able to sleep you did like I'm super tired I'm going to lay down five minutes later Nope, can't sleep just kept on going. But anyways, it was the power room mastermind. We really really love that mastermind we hit every single event that they have next one's in Lake Tahoe super excited about going there. But anyways, we got to hear speak the CEO of CARDONE Ventures. So if you are familiar with Grant Cardone and his 10x brand, the CEO of CARDONE Ventures was there and he spoke to us and it was mind blowing,

I swear the guy is just like, just take Grant Cardone. And just it just another Grant Cardone. Yeah. Except for like, tamed down not as like. He does good. But he doesn't go to 11 He only goes to like a 9.5. Yeah. But yeah, but it's still just the mind of this guy. Yeah, it's insane. Michael Hyatt was there. Do you want to talk about him? Yeah. So he spoke for a little bit over an hour. And it was just he talked about his new book that he just put out full focus. And he talked not about work-life balance, but about how to what did how did the just the be able to your work and your life, just not a balance because he says I work out for 45 minutes, and then I work for six hours. I don't want to work out for six hours. And then what work for six hours. So it's not that kind of a balance. But if he talked about that, and how, you know how we suggested it. And it was that was really cool.

Yeah, it was very cool. And we even on our way home, talked about the rituals, and things that we wanted to implement and change in our lives rituals. As a result of his talk, there were we had lots and lots and lots of great notes, we might do, an actual episode about some of the lessons that he taught us about that talk, it was really, really great.

And we have another work life balance episode that I'm sure that our team will put a link to. But it we talked about the very same thing. There is really no such thing in our opinion of work-life balance, it's the appropriate amount of time you want to dedicate to a certain activity, and you feel like you are participating in life and in business in the amount of time. Neither one is overwhelming you right? It's not too much life, whatever. So we have an episode where we like it when he had his coach and his coach said, are you willing to turn your phone off at six o'clock? Yes. Are you willing to not take your phone with you on vacation?....yes

Is it am I allowed to contact your wife to see how you're doing? ….Yes. There was also a marketing company there a couple marketing companies, both of which, yeah, we're giving them a call this week to potentially work with them. Just that the caliber of speakers at these events are just it's amazing. And it's what allows us to keep on growing is the network and the people that we surround ourselves with are is why we continue to grow at the pace that we do. And I know that there are some people going are you growing too fast? And I said, sometimes I think the same, but it's like this, the network and the team that we have supports it and continues to support it. And so it's been pretty exciting. Yeah, the more we keep on growing and then the last one the speaker the guy who writes like the signature talk for like people like Tony Robbins and didn't you didn't do Grant Cardone. Yeah. Yeah. Who else was it? Yeah, but he listed off like three or four guys. And we're just like, in you're like, Well, okay, right. So he writes these guys and speeches, okay, like five minutes into his thing. I'm just like, yeah, because he's just, he's just dropping gold bomb, gold nuggets after gold nugget. I'm just like, I don't take notes. And I'm just like, I didn't write that down.

I was taking notes. But it was a really great event. So we just wanted to kind of talk about it. We love that group. And then today, we're actually obviously recording this video about we're back in the office, a little sleepy. But we are watching a virtual event, self-storage conference. And so again, I've got my iPad out, and I'm just furiously taking notes. While Flip is going to edit this video and get it over to Pat so she can get it out to you. But it's just it's always cool to be learning new things. And so excited to be getting into this self-storage space, and partnering with other people that are really, really good at what they do in this space. And I need to have Betty come into my office every, like 45 minutes and poke me, just to make sure I’m awake. yeah, one of the things I will say about the Self Storage is one of the slides that we just have the speaker we just listened to. 

He was talking about if you invested $100 in 1994. And then you cashed out at 20 at the end of 2021. And it compared all these industries. Well, manufactured homes were at the very top at like $3,751. Apartments was not like to step down at like $2,800 and something. But then he flashes on self-storage. It's like $7,700 and something dollars. And he's like when you talk about things that give you a high return and survive through recessionary times and ups and downs in the market, self-storage is at the top and you guys have heard us say that the types of investments that we want to be focused on as we continue to grow is multifamily self storage, manufactured homes and assisted living. It's a four boxes that we want to go in. And it's because of all the reasons for the growth in those markets and the resistance to the ups and downs and their ability to survive and thrive in any market. So super, super excited about that.

Yeah, no, that's it. I'm looking forward to it. But I know we were a little over see. We're a little tired, and we just started chatting and chatting. But wait. Tomorrow is going to be another live episode.

Yes. And then on Saturday, Saturday is Saturday. What is Saturday? I looked it up just to make sure. Saturday is day one of our 12 part series. Oh, boom. Oh, yes, it is. Yeah. So someone. For those of you listening and not watching, I'm pointing at Dani, someone wanted to do a 12 part series on the day in the life of Flip. I'm just kidding. That would have been interesting. It wouldn’t have been 12 parts, Day 1, done. So like, what is the what do we call the 12? That's right. Our journey. Yes. You're going to hear that every day, for the next day. But anyway, so it's a 12-part series. And it starts on Saturday. And it's our journey and it's every step of the way from where we first started to I was born a small. Stop it we did not start to quote the line from the Steve Martin in the jerk, but I didn't call it that is why you can't say those those quotes anymore. Anyway. But anyway, so it's a 12-part series on our journey. Yeah.

And did you remember to say that because we're going along because our journey, by the way is not eight minutes, just like this one. We're going long. It's like 20 minutes each time. So they're not they're like 15 Okay, but still, if you had no because you edited them

There was there was a couple that are above 15. But they're not our normal six to eight minutes. And yes, this one's going to so yeah, but I knew I wanted to say something about it. Yeah.

Maybe we need to take a nap before recording anything else so that we just can keep to our six to eight likes, like where you're head’s at, alright, anyway, he had none over to our website, www.FreedomCapitaInvestments. com to join our Investor Club and check out the online store. Hopefully we get that up soon.

Yes. But again, join our Investor Club, and see what we're doing behind the scenes and what possible deals we've got going on. And if you're listening on, a podcast, whatever, give us a review. Tell us how we're doing. But hit the like button. Yeah, if you like self-storage, because I'm going to buy self-storage here real soon. You better get into our investor club to hear about it.

But we'd like to end all of these episodes with Invest Smart. Live Happy. Bye everybody.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this show should be considered specific, personal, or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax legal real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions and information on the show are not guaranteed. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.

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