Freedom Through Passive Income

Ep 161 - Week 23 Recap & Key Takeaways

Flip & Dani Robison Season 1 Episode 161

Flip & Dani review week 23 videos and give you their top takeaways for each episode. Whether you missed an episode this week or just want to hear our top takeaways, you’ll love these weekly recaps!

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This is our week in review with Key Takeaways from each day.

Episode 155:  Best Way To Build Trust (Tell the Truth)
Tell the truth. Be open and transparent. Be an open book. These are the best and proven means to build trust. The biggest way people are going to trust you is when they can see everything about you and there are no questions.

Episode 156: Shifting Focus: The Journey vs The Finish Line
High performers tend to think of the finish line to the point where they burn themselves out by not trusting the process and failing to enjoy the journey.

Episode 157: 20 Mile March
Doing ordinary things consistently will produce extraordinary results. Although we all get bored doing ordinary things over and over and over but that's exactly what gets you results.

Episode 158: How Has the Real Estate Market Changed in the Last Decade?
What was going on 10 years ago? It was foreclosures, cautious buyers, and hesitant lenders, because we were coming out of 2008. Now, 10 years later, we've got three completely opposite things going on: soaring prices, low inventory and fierce competition.

Episode 159: Become an Accredited Investor for Under $200
The general definition of an accredited investor is they must individually earn $200,000 a year or married earning $300,000 a year together and are expected to make around the same amount over the next couple years.

Episode 160: Week 23 Live Update
We want to create roadmaps or certain paths to answer our investor’s questions. Coming soon: our new short term investment fund. It will allow people to have that liquidity piece they desire.

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Hey everybody! Flip and Dani here, founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group Family of Companies and welcome to another episode of our podcasts which is called Freedom Through Passive Income. That's right.

And welcome to another episode and this is one of our Live episodes. And for those of you that are listening and watching, you'll have to kind of go back and watch this maybe sometime because what you're looking at is a cardboard cutout and not actually Flip and Dani. Oh, yeah, to do that. It's just too funny. Oh, my goodness. You will understand this once we get to the recap of yesterday's episode. That's right. That's right. 

But welcome. This is Week 23, 23 veintitrés home this is recap and key takeaways. So episode number 155, 155. Hey, happy Fun Shirt Friday. Yeah. Do you like this one? Yeah, this is a new one. People keep telling me I can't repeat my shirt. So I'm going to go buy. Literally our clothes budget, our clothes monthly budget went up because of his freaking fun shirt. Demand of our fans. My fans want more shirt. But this one, if you're watching, it's yellow. He doesn't usually have any yellow shirts. And it's kind of a beach with some palm trees and sailboats. Because this is we're moving to Florida. Yeah, I guess yeah. To cover the sun. Right. Yep. And palm trees, because that's where we're going to have palm trees. Yeah. Pretty cool. Like, shirts are. Sorry. Go ahead. I mean, we've had people say they don't know what's Friday until they see a Facebook post on Friday. So I have an obligation. Yeah, that's right. To make sure people know it's Friday. There was a time in which you were going to stop it. Right. And you are going to sorry, we're just off on a tangent go ahead with every episode 155 There we go. 

Best way to build trust, tell the truth. Our key takeaways, tell the truth. Be open and transparent. Be an open book. These are the best and proven means to build trust. Another takeaway is it's counterintuitive to just to be just 100% all out there and talk about your mistakes. People don't want to do it. They have no idea of the impact it has on the business and the trust it builds of people around you.

So true. Episode 156 is called Shifting Focus: The Journey versus the Finish Line. This is actually a popular episode. A lot of people listen to this one. And it was a big impact on me as well. So I would put this in my top five out of the 156. For sure. For the first key takeaway is sprinting to the finish line is a surefire way to burn out before you get there, pace yourself and enjoy the milestones along the way. And the second key takeaway was stop fixating on finishing at the cost of missing the opportunity to celebrate progress. Really powerful lessons that we personally learn every day. 

Episode 157, the 20 Mile March, some key takeaways, two teams head out with the goal of reaching the South Pole, a team that made it there and back alive is the team that traveled everyday consistently whether in good or bad conditions. We won't talk about the other team. Never. Another takeaway is consistency in doing ordinary things every single day produces extraordinary results. And that's actually what I wanted to talk about that there were just real quickly inside the conversation is our workout routine. Yeah, it's just I'm doing ordinary things every single day. And the other day I wanted to do a situp and I buff threw myself through the wall because I didn’t realize how easy it was for me to do a sit up.  And this is back, Flippy didn’t use to like doing sit ups at all especially decline sit up. No no I don't do upside. I do downs. They don't know what that means. Let’s keep going. I sit down. I lay down. 

Episode 158, How Has The Real Estate Market Changed In The Last Decade. First key takeaway was here in Montgomery County there was a record shattering year in 2021. The number of sales that begin in 2021 was four times higher than 2011. And secondly, people are able to now live wherever they want because they can find remote work. This is one of the biggest changes over the last 10 years. 

Episode 159 Become an Accredited Investor for Under $200. So a key takeaway, you can have a series 7, series 82 or a series 65 license, and that qualifies you as an accredited investor because then the SEC says you are knowledgeable enough to invest in these opportunities and understand the risk involved with them. And another takeaway is our favorite option is the series 65 because it does not require the prerequisite exam, and you can take it for under $200.

Yeah. And then yesterday's episode, episode number 160 was our Week 23 Live Update, and this is why we started our podcast so cardboard cutout. Our Founders Day was actually in May. Yeah, both you and I were gone. And so they wanted to and I say they our team wanted to do a Founders Day party. Because they like parties and hope on their founders day we'd throw a party for that. And so it actually just happened last Friday. And they locked off one of the rooms, they wouldn't let me in. And that's hard for them to do. And they decorated the room. In the room was this cardboard cutout and it just cracked us up. And so we all took pictures with it and our team in the Philippines. They did photoshops have them with us in front of our office here. It was hilarious. It was brilliant. But then we had to put this in here placing the wall because it kept freaking us out every time we'd walked by. Yes. Yeah, we had to bring it as something to do on the podcast episode, we had to make a guest appearance. Yes, exactly. And the second key takeaway from yesterday's Live episode is we are in the middle of doing due diligence and brainstorming and asking a bunch of questions about the short term fund that we're going to launch. And one of the things is that as we're talking about this and putting it into creation mode, we've had three people say, hey, I've got $500,000 I'm putting into a fund like that. And like, BAM we got 1.5 million already. Yeah, it's exciting whenever you have something that is going to benefit other people. Pretty cool.

Awesome. Well, we hope you enjoyed this live episode, make sure you head on over to our website, www.FreedomCapital and join our Investor Club and soon coming to is the Freedom Swag. Oh, yes. Oh, I forgot to even put that on yesterday's episode that we're going to launch our Freedom Swag Store. It should be coming out soon. So we'll wait while you wait for that press release. Yes. 

But make sure you're joining the Investor Club and you're subscribing and doing that and make sure if you're listening on Apple podcasts just hit the review real quick. Just say these guys are cool, whatever you need to say or Flip’s dumb. Whatever anyway, but make sure you hit the like button hit the like button because you don't like what Flip just said about stupid is stupid does because we did a power of words episode before that you can find by hopefully clicking somewhere on this because I was told to do that to hit subscribe, hit the like button. It just helps the algorithms all those reviews, all those things we're supposed to be asking all the time because it helps get the word out there. So if what we're sharing is valuable, we want to share it with more people to help more people. That's right.

Well we liked to end all of these episodes with Invest Smart. Live Happy. Bye everybody. 

Disclaimer: Nothing on this show should be considered specific, personal or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax, legal, real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions and information on the show are not guaranteed. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.

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